l Dublin Mudslide Mudslide: The Dublin Mudslide was created in the Cayman islands years ago and continues to be a boozy delicious Milkshake
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This is chocolate lovers dream drink
This is chocolate lovers dream drink

Dublin Mudslide:

Your Price: $10.95
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Part Number:wine slush cocktail mix-10

Dublin Mudslide:

For that special legendary Irish drink, you have to try the Dublin Mudslide.

Dublin Mudslide Directions: In a blender pour 1 package of mix, 2 1/2 cups milk,
1 cup Baileys Irish Cream and a small amount of ice to provide a good chill to the drink. 
If a slush is desired, add more ice, additional mix and/or Baileys to taste.
 Pour drink into the chocolate and/ or strawberry syrup garnished glass, 
add a dollop of whipped topping. 
Serve and enjoy!

Optional: Add Peppermint Schnapps to taste-yummy!! Alter as desired with
 vanilla ice cream, almond milk, Kahlua or Rum.

Chocolatini Directions: Fill martini glasses with ice to chill. In a pitcher combine 
mix with  2 cups of water, 1 1/2 cups Vodka. Stir to combine. Add ice and stir 
briskly. Just before serving, remove ice from glasses and strain mixture into glasses.
5 Stars
omg..this is so delicious...made with the milk, Baileys and peppermint schnapps and could not stop drinking...what a great flavor!!!!! see you guys soon!!!!
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Reviewed by:  from troy,ny. on 4/6/2013

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