l Pomegranate Margarita
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Pomegranate Margarita

Your Price: $10.95
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Part Number:Tequila - Pomegranate cocktail mix

FROZEN COCKTAIL METHOD: In a blender, empty 1 package of the mix, add 1 1/4 cup Tequila, 1/4 cup Triple Sec, plus 1/2 cup water or seltzer. Fill blender with ice and blend.

DIRECTIONS: CLASSIC  Margarita "on the rocks' combine 2 cups of water, 1 cup tequila, and  1/4 cup of Triple Sec or Grand Marnier in a pitcher. Add package of mix and stir until dissolved. Rub the rim of the margarita glasses with a juicy piece of lime, then twirl in coarse salt and shake the glass to get rid of excess salt. Fill glasses with Margarita mixture and garnish with slices of lime.

FROZEN WINE SLUSHIE METHOD:  Put 1 package of the mix in a blender along with  3/4 to a full  750 ML bottle of any dry white wine.  Fill the blender with ice and blend until smooth. Makes 7 eight-ounce drinks.

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